The Instituto Português da Face has the most advanced treatments in the field of implantology. Especially for those already suffering from the absence of teeth at an advanced stage, known as edentulism.

When there is very large bone loss in the jaws, zygomatic implants can be the ideal solution. With just one intervention and without painful bone grafts we can give you a new smile.




Grande parte da população perdeu dentes muito cedo e por ter usado uma prótese removível durante parte da sua vida perdeu muito osso do maxilar. Sem osso no maxilar é complicado fazer uma reabilitação adequada com implantes tradicionais.

No IPFace, sem enxertos de osso, sem necessidade de múltiplas intervenções, podemos em apenas 1 intervenção reabilitar a maxila utilizando implantes zigomáticos.

Esta técnica é muito previsível e de recuperação rápida para o doente. Permite um novo sorriso em apenas 1 dia com uma prótese fixa, permitindo mastigar e sorrir com conforto.



The maxillary and mandibular bone supports the teeth. It is also these bones that will support dental implants for oral rehabilitation.

Most patients who come to us have the following complaints:

1- Feeling of poorly adjusted prosthesis

2- Pain in the jaws due to poorly adjusted prosthesis

3- Failure of previous treatment with dental implants

4- Infection and loss of dental implants

5- Failure of the graft bone in the jaws

6- Little bone in the jaws

7- Difficulty in eating due to oral trauma associated with the prosthesis


The team at the Instituto Português da Face will ask you to complete some questionnaires, provide a clinical history and undergo an objective examination to obtain a rigorous diagnosis of your case.

After the first consultation, there may be a need to request:

  • Computed Tomography of the jaws and/or
  • Orthopantomography


Zygomatic Implants

Zygomatic implants are an alternative solution to traditional implants, when they cannot be used because there is little bone. These implants are placed in the zygomatic bone, located above the jaw, in the area that we usually call the cheekbone. Zygomatic implants were developed for people with severe jaw bone loss or who have tried classic dental implants in the past unsuccessfully.

What are the main advantages of Zygomatic Implants?

1- The patient avoids performing bone grafts;

2- This is a predictable and safe technique;

3- It is a technique performed under general anaesthesia, with the prosthesis fixed on the implants on the day of the intervention;

4- Less invasion of the maxillary sinus with a higher success rate of these implants;

5- It is possible to carry out immediate loading in the overwhelming majority of cases;

6- The level of satisfaction of patients with zygomatic implants is very high, with studies showing success rates of 97% in 12 years.

Customized Subperiosteal Implants

Customized subperiosteal implants are an alternative for patients who have a small zygomatic bone or for patients whose zygomatic implants have failed.



Edentulism (not having teeth) is a public health problem that affects millions of people worldwide. Edentulism is defined by a total loss of permanent teeth. The World Health Organization reveals that 30% of individuals aged between 65 and 74 are edentulous. Edentulism affects about 7% of the Portuguese population. Human beings lose their permanent dentition throughout their life, not only due to pathological processes (such as carious lesions and periodontal disease, trauma and the presence of oral cancer), but also due to non-pathological processes, related with dental procedures (for example accessibility to oral health care, the patient's preferences and treatment options, attendance of dental doctor consultations, the dentist’s attitude and the particularities of the health system). The loss of all teeth in the oral cavity has a very significant impact. In addition to functional limitations, there are also psychological and social limitations, with negative repercussions on quality of life and wellbeing. Particular consequences of edentulism are:

1- Difficulty in Chewing

The effectiveness of the masticatory function is directly related to the presence of teeth in the mouth, so the first step of digestion, where the bolus is formed, is compromised by the absence of teeth;

2- Difficulty in Communication

Since communication is essential to the biopsychosocial wellbeing of human beings, edentulism represents a barrier to harmonious communication between individuals;

3- Commitment of Facial Aesthetics

Facial aesthetics are clearly compromised by missing teeth. On the one hand, due to the absence of natural teeth, on the other, due to the loss of facial support, resulting in an aged appearance of the person. The shape of the face and its aesthetics are closely related to the height of the lower third of the face, and therefore, the loss of teeth and the consequent bone resorption are important factors to be taken into account.


The consequence of having no teeth in the mouth is the beginning of a progressive bone atrophy/resorption process. This process of bone resorption is aggravated and accelerated when using a removable dental prosthesis. We know today that age, sex, duration of edentulism, facial structure, parafunctional habits, the previous number of prostheses used, oral hygiene, occlusal load, nutrition and the use of medication for osteoporosis are all factors that influence bone atrophy/resorption. Over the years, the resorption process increases and treatment is more difficult.




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